total shock! What a night we had. Luke and I caught a taxi into town and met up with james at the gallery (they had Kozik paintings there!!) to see the final ten entries- totall surprise that my SWH ('skull with hair' named after this awesome designer by the same name) had made it to the top ten. My mate James is the announcer of the winners this night and tells me he knows who has already won but will not say a word- I am thinking its the brilliant Wotto looking board. My god the other boards were good, so I made few bets with some people, picking out our fav's. James says he is going to announce the winner early so they can all start drinking 'properly'. I wait at the back of the crowd with Luke in the club downstairs as james announced 3rd to 1st in that order- the two boards I put money on to win were announced as 3rd and 2nd which left me short of cash and totally confused. When he called out my name it was such a surprise hahah and I had to give a little speech- i just mumbled into the mic and said thank you. I was shaking and sweating and completely blown away. I was given the board mock to pose with for photos and stuff and had a rad night. I met loads of cool artists I didnt know existed and loads of amazingly nice people. Luke and James were so drunk and ace- they kept patting me on the back and saying how proud they were of me. I think I had one of the best nights for years. Not a big company- not a huge prize- and all that is not important to me- but the fact that it was local and judged by my peers made it super special for me. Thanks everyone that was there :)
one of the pics they emailed to me tonight (check out my weird finger- i tried to recreate it after and couldnt do it- its bloody stange!!).